We, at, thrive on innovation and design.  With that said, we have developed a Cork Materials Design Competition that seeks entrants to create an innovative product or design using ‘cork’ as the main input material.  Designs do not need to be tied to a certain product category, but they do need to be made of cork (entirely, or close to it), unless the design revolves around a ‘cork composite’ composition).


A well-crafted brief (explaining the innovation, and why you feel it is important in whichever industry or segment it is applicable to).  Assuming you feel the product is marketable, clearly describe the target market, the brand positioning, and any unique selling points. 

Prize and recognition:

The winning designer will have a prototype made (within the scope of feasibility), which will be provided to the winner.  Assuming the ‘design’ is market-ready, the winner will have the option of entering into a licensing agreement to market and sell the ‘design’ in the most applicable and suitable channel, using CorkMaterials’ network of production and distribution partners).  If the winning design is a bit rough around the edges, CorkMaterials will help facilitate the product’s development with its’ engineers and production partners.  The winning design will be showcased through CorkMaterials’ marketing platform.


This competition is open to the public. 

Judging and timing:

A small panel of judges will select the winner, which will be selected on Nov 15th, 2024.

Our goal is to foster ‘sustainable’ creativity with ‘cork’ as the input material.  We encourage collaboration, will respond to feasibility questions (up until the closing date – midnight Nov 14th), and are excited to see ‘light bulbs’ turn into reality.

Fill in the APPLICATION FORM below to sign up! 

Once we receive your Application Form, we will send the applicable Design parameters, and the options relative to manufacturing capabilities the ‘designs’ must be held within.

Thank you, Happy Designing, and GOOD LUCK!