Functional Value

(Footwear & Vegan Cork Leather Purse)

The fact that cork is essentially made up of thousands and millions of cellular pockets of air is the key to what makes cork so remarkable. Air is an insulator when trapped, and not only provides thermal value (meaning that it is both “warm to the touch” and can be used for thermal insulation and isolation), but it also inhibits the passage of sound and/or vibrations – all naturally (without additives).

In addition, cork has tremendous rebound and flexibility under compression, creating a quality of ‘give’. Cork can be compressed to about half its width without losing flexibility. It is the only solid that can be compressed in one dimension without increasing in another dimension, showing a high degree of dimensional stability. Cork also has tremendous elastic memory, which provides ‘rebound’, and is the response to the compression when it occurs. When compressed, and the point of compression is removed, the cells will return to their original size. Though relevant when used for flooring, as it provides fraction that enables traction, this characteristic is most easily recognized in bottling applications, as a cork is compressed to be put in a bottle, and while there it maintains a tight and integral seal (regardless of the temperature and pressure variations introduced). Once it is removed, it expands again, and can only be re-inserted by compressing the cork into the neck of the bottle.

Cork is extremely light, weighing only 0.16 grams per cubic centimeter (as most of its volume consists of air-like gas). It resists moisture and can age for long periods without deteriorating. Cork is permeable, yet impermeable at the same time – presenting an interesting dichotomy. Cork is waterproof but can absorb moisture in the top microscopic cell layer, helping retain moisture, without letting it pass through. Proof of this concept need not look beyond personal experience and realizing that when you uncork some red wines, you find a red stain on bottom surface of the removed cork, but it doesn’t permeate through the cork. Being that cork is impermeable beyond the cellular level, it excels in water prone applications, though care should be taken depending on what the cork may be adhered to, or if it is made with glue. But, as a mass, the cork bark is impermeable, so it can be used in wet applications, and the water will not affect it.

(Wall Insulation & Decorative Bowl)

The degree of value and range of importance of these attributes obviously varies based on the intended use and purpose, but what is clear is that cork as a ‘natural’ raw material provides benefits that the most re-engineered, and often chemically laden materials, often cannot re-create. Score one for nature!


(Flooring Plank)

(Flooring Plank)

(Yoga Block)

(Toy Blocks)