
The innovations with cork are as plentiful as one could assume when you understand the shear number of ways the material can be processed, treated, and used. Our selection focuses on developments that leverage what is unique to cork. Whether it’s its’ cellular structure, its’ weight, or the fact that it can float, there is literally no other ‘natural’ material that possesses an attribute list that even comes close to what cork can provide – and it does it ‘sustainably’ (from how it sequesters carbon, to how it effectively self-regenerates, to how it a zero-waste material).

Floating Vegetation Island

The floating vegetation propagator is a patented concept and system that uses large cork panels that are CNC’ed to create plant propagation slots that allow a plants roots to extend below the panel bottom, so they can readily absorb the water the panel is floating in.  The cork, by default, inherently floats.